Kartowanie sejsmiczne młodszego paleozoiku w północno-zachodniej Polsce


  • Ludwik Knieszner
  • Wanda Solawa


SEISMIC MAPPING OF THE UPPER PALEOZOIC IN NORTH-WESTERN POLAND Summary The seismic data obtained from Permian and pre-Permian Paleozoic rocks of north-western Poland are discussed. Attention is paid to the question of deterioration of quality of seismic data recorded from pre-Permian Paleozoic. The map of Permian subcrops, compiled on the basis of seismic material, is given. Attention is also paid to the possibilities of occurrence of gas accumulations in Upper Carboniferous basins and at their margins, as well as oil acumulations in Upper Devonian anticlines.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia