Porównanie płyty środkowoeuropejskiej z platformą mezyjsko-scytyjsko-turańską


  • Jan Kutek


THE CENTRAL EUROPEAN BASIN AND THE MOESIAN-SCYTHIAN-TURANIAN PLATFORM: A COMPARISON Summary Within the Moesian-Scythian-Turanian platform (3) there occur several isolated troughs (Fig. 1), which were subjected to tectonic inversion at the end of the Triassic or in Early Jurassic. These Kimmerian troughs (15) display some geosynclinal features (flysch, volcanism, .slight metamorphism, rather strong tectonic disturbances). They differ in type and time of development from the grabens of the Central-European (North-Western European) basin (9,17), some of those grabens having been subjected to Subhercynian and/or Laramide inversion. The Tulcea through in North Dobrudja is comparable with the other Kimmerian troughs of the Moesian-Scythian-Turanian platform. It was subjected to tectonic inversion as early as the Early Jurassic, whereas the Mid-Polish aulacogene began to develop in South-Eastern Poland in the Middle Jurassic. Thus, there never existed a continuous, Polish-Dobrudjan aulacogene (comp. 13). Platform conditions were already established int he Variscan cycle in the Rugen-Pomerania area, where Caledonian troughs occur (4, 10). That area is situated in the foreland of the Central European Variscides, which developed in one, Caledonian-Variscan tectonic cycle. An analogy is proved by the half-cycle Kimmerian troughs, which developed in the foreland of the Alpides of South-Western Asia.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia