Okruszcowanie skał serii złożowej na poziomie eksploatacyjnym 550 kopalni „Konrad"


  • Krystyna Dzidowska


MINERALIZATION OF DEPOSIT ROCK SERIES FROM THE EXPLOITATION LEVEL 550 IN THE KONRAD MINE Summary The relations between mineralization with Cu compounds and rock types forming deposits series at the exploitation level 550 in the Konrad mine were analysed with reference to the results of macroscopic microscopic and chemical studies aimed at estimating percentage of copper. The studies showed that petrographic rock types forming the deposit series are characterized by the presence of minerals poor in copper. Concentration of these minerals is varying, increasing along with the share of clay matter. It is the lowest in limestones, intermediate in marls and the highest in clay-marly shales. This has been given further support by the results of chemical analyses aimed at evaluation of percentage of copper (1, 4, 5, 7).



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia