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CESIUM 137CS CONTAMINATION OF LAKE SEDIMENTS IN NORTHEAST POLAND Summary The measurements of cesium 137Cs in 48 sampIes of lake sediment were carried out. All samples originated from six lakes of the north-east part of Poland. The method of semiconductor gamma spectroscopy was used. 15 % coaxial HPGe detector with computer based multichannel analyser S-100 for collecting and analysis of spectra was used. The mean concentrations were: for 137 Cs - 101 Bq/kg (range 3-411 Bq/kg, SD=89 Bq/kg). The cesium was present in the top 20 cm layer of the sediment. Most of the radioactivity concentration (about 75%) was found in the upper 10 cm of the sediment. The mean value of surface concentration in lake sediment of both 137 Cs and 134 Cs was 13,5 Bq/kg and it was higher than their average concentration in the soil of Poland.Issue
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia