Modelowanie generacji węglowodorów programem PetroMod na profilu regionalnym z rejonu wału pomorskiego
MODELLING OF HYDROCARBON GENERATION WITH THE PETROMOD PROGRAM: A REGIONAL PROFILE IN NW POLAND Summary Hydrocarbon generation modeling was performed on Sun Sparc Workstation with using PetroMod software developed in Integrated Exploration System (IES) GmbH, Germany. For modelling the regional profile A3 was specially created from four reprocessing seismic sections in Geofizyka Toruń (Geophysics Enterprises). Results of modelling are surprisingly matching the known facts: 1. The area to NE from Grzybnica Trough is marked as barren. 2. On the profile two places are promising, one is connected to Wierzchowo and second one to the Daszewo-Białogard-Tychowo oil fields. 3. After structural inversion play in SW part of the profile allows the migration of hydrocarbons from destructed accumulation in "D" block to Świdwin located in extension of Ciechnowo field area. Unfortunately the end of the regional profile A3 is before the limit of "D" block, and that's why it is impossible to observe if migrated bitumines are able to form commercial hydrocarbon accumulation.Issue
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia