Pierwiastki podrzędne i śladowe w górnośląskich węglach kamiennych


  • Anna Różkowska
  • Barbara Ptak


OCCURRENCE OF THE MINOR AND TRACE ELEMENTS IN HARD COAL OF THE UPPER SILESIAN COAL BASIN (SOUTHERN POLAND) Summary Maps of distribution of 10 elements (Zn, Pb, Cu, Ba, Be, Mn, V, Cr, Co, Ni) in coal of the USCB based on 16,000 analyses were constructed. It enabled to draw some conclusions about the origin of these elements in coal. High enrichment of coal with Zn, Pb and Cu is observed in the N and NE parts of the basin. It is probably connected with Zn-Pb ore deposits occurring within the Triassic overburden in this area. Somewhat lower enrichment of coal with these elements in the SW part of the basin could be connected with the influence of higher geothermal gradient causing mobility of the elements. High concentration of Ba in coal from the W part of the basin is probably connected with chemical sediments filling the deep Zawada grab en in this area. Concentration of Be in coal is rather low, but some higher amount is observed in coal from the E margin of the basin which could be connected with alimentary material. High concentrations of Mn are not numerous. They could be correlated with high concentration of nonpyritic iron compounds in mineral matter of coal. Concentrations of V, Cr, Ni and Co are closed in the narrow limits. Some enrichment of coal with V is observed in the W part of the basin.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia