Biostratygrafia turonu i koniaku okolic Opola na podstawie nannoplanktonu wapiennego


  • Mariusz Kędzierski


CALCAREOUS NANNOPLANKTON STRATIGRAPHY OF THE TURONIAN AND CONIACIAN OF THE OPOLE REGION (SW POLAND) Summary. The Middle Turonian through Middle Coniacian deposits in The Opole trough (SW Poland) have been investigated. Based on the numerous well preserved calcareous nannoplankton the nannozones CC 11, CC 12, CC 13 (sensu Sissingh [13]) were determined and correlated with the standard inoceramid zonation [18] and local foraminiferal zonation [6]. The first occurrence (FO) of Marthasterites furcatus (the marker of the lower of the Zone CC 13) within Mytiloides incertus Zone has been observed. The occurrence of Liliasterites cf. angularis may be used as a chronostratigraphic biohorizon in the interval of Lucianorhabdus maleformis Zone (CC 12) for the Bohemian and Opole Cretaceous. The presence of A. octoradiata, and K. magnificus, earlier FO of M.furcatus, as well as other nannofossil taxa e.g. L. septenarius, Reinhardtites sp. aff. anthophorus and the presence of Nannoconus sp. suggest influences from the Boreal and Tethyan provinces.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia