Problem zasobów wód podziemnych na przykładzie Półwyspu Helskiego


  • Kazimierz Burzyński
  • Andrzej Sadurski


PROBLEM OF GROUNDWATER RESOURCES IN HEL PENINSULA (NORTH POLAND) Summary There are two aquifers on the Hel Peninsula area. First one occurs in the Holocene strata and the second is known as Pleistocene-Cretaceous water-bearing structure. As far as Holocene aquifer is supplied by meteoric waters — the surplus between precipitation and evapotranspitration reaches about 130 mm annually — the deeper aquifer contains young relic waters. According to isotopic composition, these waters are typical for glacial waters and they infiltrated to the Cretaceous strata before the Littorina transgression. It proves that these resources are not renewable. Groundwater resources of the first aquifer are very sensitive to the exploitation. The calculated safe yield of the water intake is not higher as 7 m3/h. This term could be introduced to the water management instead of exploitation resources used at present for water intake. The total volume of fresh waters in the Holocene aquifer is named groundwater resources of the aquifer and was calculated as about 0.11 km3. The categories of recognition of the groundwater resources are named А, В and C. It might be used terms: warranted, estimated and hypothetic (or assumed) that reflects better precision of their recognition and calculation.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia