Występowanie skał piroklastycznych w utworach karbonu dolnego Gór Świętokrzyskich


  • Zdzisław Migaszewski


OCCURRENCE OF PYROCLASTIC ROCKS IN THE LOWER CARBONIFEROUS OF THE HOLY CROSS MTS (CENTRAL POLAND) Summary The diachronousZaręby Formation spannig the Tornaisianand at some places even to the lowermost Upper Visean(V3a) is the pyroc1astic rock richest lithostratigraphic unit within the whole Paleozoic profile of the Holy Cross Mts. The pyroc1astic rocks are represented by lots of varieties oftuffs and tuffites, as well as their altered derivativesespecially chalcedony-quartz tuffs, bentonites and carbonate tuffs (Figs 2-7). The siliceous-c1ayey sequence of the Zaręby Formation is actually "saturated" in pyroclastic rocks, and may be regarded as a synsedimentary-volcanic hybrid, apparently influenced by hydrotherma1 action (ca1citization, dolomitization, silification etc.). Based upon petrographic and lithologic investigations, the synsedimentaryblock-faulting model for the Holy Cross Mts Carboniferous bassin coupled with vo1canic activity within small half-troughs (troughs ?) seems to be correct. This inference is supported by the presence of the thickest and the most developed volcanic-sedimentary rock association within these halftroughs, and simultaneously, by the lack of considerable tuff and tuffiteinterbeds within carbonate facies from uplifted blocks.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia