Warunki hydrogeologiczne w rejonie kamieniołomów Wapienno i Bielawy na Kujawach


  • Halina Pomianowska


HYDROGEOLOGICAL CONDITIONS IN THE VICINITY OF WAPIENNO AND BIELAWY QUARRIES IN THE KUJAWY REGION (CENTRAL POLAND) Summary The Upper Jurassic limestone outcrops at Wapienno and Bielawy, situated in the Kujawy Region belong to Zalesie brachyantycline. The stone-pits are exploited since 1856 yr. The deeper and deeper excavation couse the dewatering of the limestone massif. The water inflow to the quarries is relatively small as compare with the other stone-pits in similar conditions in Poland. The mean annual inflow to the mentioned quarries is in the range of 180-370 m3 /h. The percolation to the limestone massif comes from the Quaternary aquifer occuring on the roof of Jurassic strata. At present, depth of the stone-pits reaches 80 m below the surface and the groundwater table of the Jurassic aquifer is lowered more then 50 m. The exact diameters of the depression cone is unknown as a result of lack of the monitoring system. The carried groundwater table measurements indicate the lowering of the water level at the distance of 0,5 km



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia