Nowe dane na temat geochemii osadów jeziornych czerwonego spągowca niecki śródsudeckiej


  • Krzysztof Mastalerz


NEW DATA ON GEOCHEMISTRY OF THE ROTLIEGEND LACUSTRINE DEPOSITS OF THE INTRASUDETIC BASIN (SW POLAND) Summary Ancient lacustrine deposits commonly contain some quantities of various natural resources. There are also known numerous signs of mineraIization within horizons of bituminous shales and associated lacustrine deposits in the Sudetes. The paper presents new assays of Zn, Pb, Cu, Ni and Mn from four localities of the RotIiegend lacustrine deposits of the Intrasudetic Basin (Fig. 1). Zinc, lead and manganese show concentrations slightly greater than their respective dark values for continental lithosphere and sedimentary rocks (Tab. 1). However, the concentration factor (comparing to average crustal abundance) of copper attains 6 in the Upper Anthracosia Shale at Okrzeszyn. Three samples return from 3.0 to 5.1 % Cu in this locality. This concentration consists mainly of malachite which was formed within the oxidation zone associated with the horizon of lacustrine deposits. Nickel is not significantly concentrated in the RotIiegend lacustrine deposits - the content of this element is lower than the respective dark value. The primary concentrations of metals seem to be connected with dispersed sulphides hosted in the sediment (Fig. 2). The concentrations of individual elements varies considerably between localities (Tab. 2).The differences of the mean concentrations between Okrzeszyn and Ścinawka DoIna localities are statistically significant for Zn, Pb, Ni and for background of copper at the 0.05 significance level (Tab. 3). This suggests that the concentrations of some metals within the Rotliegend succession of the Intrasudetic Basin may show zonaIity simiIar to those discovered in other sedimentary basins (e.g. Lützner & Rentsch 1975; TierceIin 1991).



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia