Budowa podłoża utworów mioceńskich na SW od wyniesienia Lubaczowa


  • Piotr Dziadzio
  • Monika Jachowicz


GEOLOGICAL STRUCTURE OF THE MIOCENE SUBSTRATE SW OF THE LUBACZÓW UPLIFT (SE POLAND) Summary The paper presents the geology of deposits in the substrate of the Miocene SW of the Lubaczów uplift (SE Poland). It was assumed so far, that beds underlying the Miocene sediments are built of Precambrian phyllites. The results of the most recent palynological studies carried out on archival core samples from the beds of the eastern part of the Carpathian Foredeep show that the beds are built of the Lower Cambrian sediments. The paper presents also a general litofacies characteristics of the sediments studied within the horst section. The simplified outline concerning the evolution of the Ryszkowa Wola horst and Wielkie Oczy grab en is given. It is anticipated to link the tectonic-structural units of the area studied with the similar units of regional character which are very likely to continue in the area studied.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia