Wpływ zjawisk krasowych na zagrożenia wodne kopalni soli Wieliczka


  • Aleksander Garlicki
  • Marian Pulina
  • Jacek Różkowski


KARST PHENOMENA AND THEIR INFLUENCE ON THE GROUNDWATERS THREAT IN THE WIELICZKA SALT MINE Summary This paper presents the karst phenomena at Wieliczka, which occur within salt and sulphate rocks. Karst processes have been analyzed in vicinity of gallery Mina, where in April 1992 mining operations disturbed the stability of the cap rock isolating rock salt deposit from the inflow of allochthonous waters. From April 1992 to August 1994 three cycles took place, during which rock masses were transported and removed from the Miocene strata. Intensity of these movements decreased in time. Quantitative description of karst phenomena being examined are presented in Tables 1-3. It is very likely, that so called denudation megacycle may occur again in the future.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia