Pokredowa tektonika na północnym skłonie wału metakarpackiego w okolicy Lublina


  • Marian Harasimiuk
  • Andrzej Henkiel


POST-CRETACEOUS TECTONICS AT NORTHERN SLOPE OF THE META-CARPATHIAN SWELL IN THE LUBLIN AREA Summary A mosaic-block structure of Upper Cretaceous and Paleogene rocks was found at northern slope of the meta- Carpathian Swell, in the vicinities of Lublin. This structure was originating in a few phases in time interval from the Paleocene to Quaternary, inclusively. It is formed by dislocations independent of the Paleozoic basement. Values of downthrusts of individual faults are here relatively small and similar, and the directions - changing in time along a given line. Thus it is assumed that the faults originated in the Meso-Cenozoic cover as an effect of horizontal movements and stresses in the Paleozoic basement. The influence of glaciisostalic agents is not excluded as one of major phases in development of the studied structure well coincides with the deglaciation period from the beginning of the Great Interglacial.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia