Dolomityczność formacji węglanowych regionu śląsko-krakowskiego


  • Stefan Śliwiński


DOLOMITE CONTENT IN CARBONATE FORMATIONS OF THE SILESIAN-CRACOW REGION Summary Several structural-textural types of dolomite were recognized on the basis of lithostratigraphic sections of a few carbonate formations which directly contact one another in the Silesian-Cracow region (Devonian, Carboniferous, Triassic, and Jurassic). The types were differentiated taking into account chemical composition of rocks and their genetic predisposition was found. In the classification scheme (Table I), there are differentiated 3 genetic types of dolomites - primary, secondary and hydrothermal - further subdivided into 2 subtypes (a and b). Subsequently, the whole pleiad of dolomites is subdivided into two groups (I and II) with reference to source of magnesium. In the first group, magnesium is of local origin, related to marine water, and in the second - allochtoneous, related to inflow of solutions. There are also discussed various approaches to classification of dolomites, made with the use of dolomite content index MgO/CaO (Table 2) when chemical composition is known. In further part of the paper, advantageous features of dolomites as raw materials are discussed. Dolomites are being used for local purposes as well as in industry (metallurgy - types DM, DK, DP, and DW - Table 3, building industry - 7 class assortments of type DB, road building - a wide range of assortments of artificial aggregates of type DD). In the future, they may be used for production of powdered dolomite fertilizer for agriculture (DR), a source of microelement Mg, indispensable in the biosphere and missing in soil under conditions of intense land use. The resources of dolomites in the Silesian-Cracow region are shown to be large but, nevertheless, limited because of intense exploitation.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia