Strefy kontaktów wapieni triasowych Ż dolomitami kruszconośnymi w złożu Zn -Pb kopalni "Pomorzany", rejon śląsko-krakowski


  • Ksenia Mochnacka
  • Maria Sass-Gustkiewicz


CONTACT ZONES OF TRIASSIC LIMESTONES AND ORE-BEARING DOLOMITES IN THE ZN-PB DEPOSIT OF THE " POMORZANY" MINE, SILESIAN-CRACOW REGION Summary The contacts of Lower Muschelkalk limestones and ore-bearing dolomites displayed by gallery walls in the Pomorzany mine are described. Microscopic studies revealed as set of metasomatic processes leading to origin of epigenetic dolomites A and B and metasomatic zinc ores. Spatial distribution of the latter suggests the presence



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia