Dolomity mikrytowe dolnego wapienia muszlowego z otoczenia złóż Zn -Pb z kopalni "Olkusz" i "Bolesław"


  • Anna Krzyczkowska-Everest


LOWER MUSCHELKALK MICRITIC DOLOMITES IN THE SURROUNDING OF ZN-PB DEPOSITS OF THE OLKUSZ AND BOLESŁAW MINES Summary The paper deals with micritic dolomites occurring in the Górażdże Beds (Lower Muschelkalk) in area of the Olkusz and Boleslaw Zn-Pb mines. Macroscopic and microscopic studies of gathered samples of micritic dolomites, chemical analyses carried out with the use of electronic micro-probe and studies of fresh breakage surfaces under scanning electron microscope showed that these are early-diagenetic dolomites, formed in result of alteration of limestone deposits. The latter, after formation, became subjected to the action of neomorphic processes, which resulted in origin of much greater grains, and thereafter to alteration of a part of micritic dolomite into the metasomatic one, known as ore-bearing.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia