Ontogeneza dolomitów kruszconośnych


  • Czesław Harańczyk


ONTOGENY OF ORE-BEARING DOLOMITES Summary The analysis of ore-bearing dolomites from Mesozoic and Paleozoic rocks made possible differentiation of their three generations (defined by separate generations of tectonic fractures) as well as some varieties, including dolomites originating due to metasomatosis of limestones, hydrothermal alterations of diagenetic dolomites, and dolomitization of deposits infilling karst fissures. Classification of structures of metasomatic dolomites and hydrothermal metamorphism is given. Paragenetic and epigenetic ore-bearing of dolomites is distinguished and characterized. Moreover, the inferred origin of great amounts of magnesium is discussed, evidencing their endogenic provenance.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia