Wpływ procesów dolomityzacji i dedolomityzacj i na własności kolektorskie wapienia cechsztyńskiego (na przykładzie złóż gazu ziemnego Dobrzeń i Wierzchowice)
THE INFLUENCE OF DOLOMITIZATION AND DEDOLOMITIZATION ON COLLECTOR PROPERTIES OF THE ZECHSTEIN LIMESTONE Summary Early diagenesis was the major factor determining collector properties of Zechstein Limestone rocks in area of occurrence of gas accumulations in the Fore-Sudetic Monocline. Diagenetic facies are completely independent of depositional ones and they were varying in time. In the studied gas fields, dolomitization was accompanied by either marked increase or no changes in porosity, and dedolomitization - by significant decrease in porosity. Solution in fresh-water environment from time of sedimentation of the Zechstein Limestone is found to be the process mainly responsible for formation of pores.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia