Dolomityzacja skał węglanowych Ca1 w rejonie kopalni rudy miedzi


  • Piotr Kijewski


DOLOMITIZATION OF CA1 CARBONATE ROCKS IN CAPPER MINE AREA Summary The question of dolomitization of Ca1 (Zechstein) carbonate rocks in the Fore-Sudetic Monocline was hitherto not studied in detail, being mainly dealt in sidenotes in more general surveys on geological structure and stratigraphy or petrographic and facies problems. The paper presents data concerning chemistry and structure of Cal carbonate rocks and limestone-dolomite interrelations, gathered in the course of mining works and laboratory studies. The results were obtained in area between Lubin and Sieroszowice, where mining works are currently carried out.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia