Analiza dokładności rozpoznania złóż węgla kamiennego w wybranym rejonie GZW


  • Marta Górecka


ANALYSIS OF ACCURACY OF EXPLORATION ON HARD COAL DEPOSITS IN SELECTED PARTS OF THE UPPER SILESIAN COAL BASIN Summary The paper presents an attempt to determine accuracy in evaluating mean thickness of layers in exploratory drillings at the example of selected black coal deposits. I t was found that coefficients of variability in thickness, established on the basis of data from exploratory drillings, are higher than those calculated for the same layers on the basis of direct measurements in mining works. Error in estimating mean thickness on the basis of borehole data was also calculated and standard deviation was accepted as its measure. Variability coefficient changes slightly along with artificial widening of network of observation points, rapidly increasing when certain critical distance between the points is reached. The latter distance may be recognized as sufficient for appropriate recognition of thickness of coal layers.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia