Rola miocenu w budowie i tektogenezie brzeżnej strefy Karpat obszaru Cieszyn -Wadowice
THE ROLE OF THE MIOCENE IN STRUCTURE AND TECTOGENESIS OF MARGINAL ZONE OF THE CARPATHIANS IN THE CIESZYN-WADOWICE AREA Summary The results of deep drillings showed a complex role of the Miocene in structure of marginal zone of the Carparthians in the Cieszyn-Wadowice area. Besides autochtoneous Miocene, over which are overthrusted marginal tectonic units of the Carpathians, here is also present parautochtoneous Miocene. The latter locally covers the margin of the Carpathians or it occurs in the form of tectonic patches and exotics in flysch series even 8 km distant from the present-day Carpathian margin. The gathered data make it possible to draw some tectogenetic conclusions which give further support for the significance of three major mountain-building phases - Savie, Styrian and Attica in formation of the tectonic of the Carpathian flysch. At present, any more accurate determination of amplitude of overthrust of flysch masses on the forefield in the Savic phase is not possible. It may be only stated that the margin of „Savic'" Carpathians could at that time became temporarily stabilized at the Istebna - Koszarowa - Jordanów line. The styrian phase presumably resulted in further overthrust of the originating Carpathians about 10 km of the Wisła – Żywiec - Lachowice . The present tectonic image of the flysch in this area did not originate before the Attic phase. The phase resulted in overthrust of the flysch masses upon autochtoneous Miocene up to their present-day extent at the distance of 24-30 km. The above data indicate simultaneous final shaping of the whole Carpathian arch and its overthrusting on the Miocene.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia