Płytko występujące złoże węgla brunatnego w Siedlimowicach na Dolnym Śląsku


  • Janina Dyląg


A SHALLOW-SEATED BROWN COAL DEPOSIT AT SIEDLIMOWICE IN LOWER SILESIA Summary A shallow-seated brown coal deposit from Siedlimowice in Lower Silesia represents an infilling of depression of the erosional-tectonic type. The depression originated in bedrock due to its intense weathering. The form of this deposit is adjusted to shape of ancient valley and coal is autochtoneous here. Such nature of coal is confirmed by results of studies which also indicate not quiet conditions in its sedimentary environment. Geological parameters of the deposit are advantageous for open-cut mining, making possible the use of coal as energy raw material for local industry and by the population in this region.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia