Ukształtowanie powierzchni środkowego pstrego piaskowca i jego zależność od tektoniki solnej w środkowej Polsce


  • Tamara Siwek


ON MORPHOLOGY OF MIDDLE BUNTSANDSTEIN SURFACE IN CENTRAL POLAND AND ITS DEPENDENCE ON SALT TECTONICS Summary The compilation of structural map of the Middle Buntsandstein in the Mid-Polish Trough and adjoining areas markedly contributed to the knowledge of genetic relationships between morphology of top surface of the Middle Buntsandstein and structure of the basement. The presence of large and long active dislocations and the distribution of isolines in the map reveal a flatness in floor in central part of the Trough, especially in the area of Krośniewice. Taking into account the salt tectonics, this flatness may be explained by the presence of rigid, somewhat uplifted block in the Zechstein basement. The blocks seems to be bounded by deep crustal fractures. The salt tectonics appears to be most intense at western side of the block which suggests that the original thickness of salt was the greatest in that area. Despite of obscuring effect of salt, the presence of paleoblocks in the Zechstein basement has been bearing marked influence on the course and effect of subsequent tectonic events in the studied region.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia