Wpływ tektoniki na sedymentację w trzeciorzędzie na Niżu Polskim


  • Krystyna Pożaryska
  • Ewa Odrzywolska-Bieńkowa


THE INFLUENCE OF TECTONICS ON SEDIMENTATION IN THE POLISH LOWLANDS IN THE TERTIARY Summary The paper deals with tectonic movements taking place in the Paleogene and their effects marked in the Polish Lowlands. The effects are shown to be hitherto underestimated. It appears that they well explain several events in history of sedimentation in .this area, especially changes in facies, for explanation of which there were proposed numerous marine transgressions and regressions (see Bettenstaedt 1949, Schuh 1950). The results of the movements are shown to be of marked importance. Tectonic unrest related to movements of the Pyrenean phase resulted in reactivation of salt structures. In Eocene sea, some shoals or even small islands begin to originate in places of rise of such structures. The Laramie movements are responsible for origin of a marked hiatus at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary as well as a tectonic megastructure - Mid- Polish anticlinorium.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia