Rozwój badań hydrogeologicznych w Centralnym Rejonie Węglowym LZW w okresie 1964-1981


  • Janusz Stochlak
  • Kazimierz Zarębski


ON THE DEVELOPMENT IN HYDROGEOLOGICAL SURVEYS IN THE CENTRAL COAL REGION, LUBLIN COAL BASIN IN THE YEARS 1964-1981 Summary Four stages distinguished in 18-years history of hydrogeological surveys on newly discovered black coal deposits in the Lublin region (central-eastern Poland) are characterized. Intensification of these surveys is evaluated in connection with initiation of mining works. Tables 1-3 and Figures 1-4 show the dynamics in developments of hydrogeological surveys in the Central Coal Region of the Lublin Coal Basin, and the scale of field works carried out in the years 1964-1981. The usefulness of the applied research methods is characterized. On the basis of the experience gathered in the course of studies in this region, directions of further hydrogeological studies are presented and compared with traditional hydrogeological designing. The new directions provide multidirectional and elastic solutions which should make possible reduction of hazards connected with exploitation of so deeply-seated deposits. Attention should be paid to introduction of surface prospection methods, which are of marked usability in the case of even deep-seated deposits in platform areas.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia