Stan rozpoznania geologicznego złóż węgli kamiennych w Lubelskim Zagłębiu Węglowym


  • Józef Porzycki


THE STATE OF GEOLOGICAL KNOWLEDGE OF BLACK COAL DEPOSITS IN THE LUBLIN COAL BASIN Summary In 1982, 50 years have passed since publication of J. Samsonowicz (1932) paper putting forward the hypothesis of occurrence of the Carboniferous in the Upper Bug River drainage basin. This hypothesis became the basis for Polish prospecting works carried out in the years 1937-1939, which have ended in discovery of the Carboniferous in this region. The search for the productive Carboniferous have not been resumed by the Polish Geological Survey until 1964. The project of search in eastern part of the Lublin region, put forward in 1964 (Fig. 1), assumed conducting the surveys in stages in accordance with the method of successive approximations, i.e. with each stage aimed at solving definite geological problems. The studies resulted in discovery of the Lublin Coal Basin and subsequently in establishing major features of its geological structure and deposit characteristics. The studies, carried out for 18 years only, made possible preliminary geological recognition of five areas of about 852 km2 in surface as well as detailed recognition of nine fields, the summative surface of which equals 260 km2 (Fig. 1). Geological studies continued in this coal basin are primarily aimed at making the knowledge of its structure more accurate and recognition of new deposits. The present state of knowledge of central parts of the Lublin Coal Basin is sufficient for initiation of mining works, precluding the risk of their negative result. The studies revealed major features of the coal basin, determining the methods of further surveys. The basin was shown to be of the pericratonic type, characterized by zonal geological structure. The nature of phytogenic sedimentation and the influence of differentiated subsidence of sub-Carboniferous basement were recognized. The style of tectonic structure was found to be characterized by predominance of fault-horst tectonics in south-eastern part of the basin and the fold-horst in the southern. Lithostratigraphic subdivision of the Carboniferous was established and coal seams correlated. Moreover, there were defined regularities in changes in coal metamorphism as well as structure and quality of coal seams.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia