Polihalit w cechsztynie rejonu Zatoki Puckiej w świetle nowych danych


  • Janusz Domagała


POLYHALITE IN THE ZECHSTEIN IN THE PUCK EMBAYMENT AREA IN THE LIGHT OF NEW DATA Summary The Puck Embayment area, in which the Mieroszyno and Chłapowo deposits of Zechstein polyhalite have been proven, is regarded as perspective for construction of deep mine for exploiting of both polyhalite and rock salts. An exploratory drilling Chłapowo S-1, made at the site of designed mine shaft, was aimed to explain geological structure, especially to gather geotechnical and hydrogeological data needs for construction of shaft. The recorded depths to the top and base and thickness of the Zechstein appeared comparable with those known from neighboring geological-prospecting drillings whereas there were found differences in thickness of individual stratigraphic members. In the borehole Chłapowo S-1, rock salt horizon is reduced in thickness whereas the underlaying Basal Anhydrite appears exceptionally thick. A layer of polyhalite salts occurs there within the anhydrites. The gathered borehole data made it necessary to change previous conception of geological structure of the Zechstein in the Puck Embayment area. The position of polyhalite encountered in this borehole in relation to neighboring proven resources of that salt is explained and there are introduced some corrections to assumed distribution of thickness of rock salt layer in this area. Detailed analysis of geological data from drillings and laboratory studies of core material showed that polyhalite encountered in the borehole Chłapowo S-1 represents eastern extension of the Mieroszyno deposit. That deposit is connected with the Chłapowo one along the line of boreholes M-3, S-1 and Ch-1. These findings made it possible to correct extent of polyhalite in the Zechstein in the Puck Embayment area. A new geological image of the Zechstein also takes into account the correction for thickness of rock salt layer in area of the borehole Chłapowo S-1.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia