Uwagi o budowie geologicznej niecki płockiej (warszawskiej)


  • Sylwester Marek


SOME REMARKS ON GEOLOGICAL STRUCTURE OF THE PŁOCK (WARSAW) BASIN Summary The paper presents brief characteristics of tectonics in the area of the Płock Basin, most important sedimentary- paleotectonic events in development of that area, and conclusions concerning hydrocarbon potential and further studies. The Płock Basin is situa ted the at slope of pre-V en dian .East-European Platform and in the Teisseyre-Tornquist tectonic zone, separating the latter and Paleozoic platform of central and western Europe. The Basin became separated at the tum of the Cretaceous and Tertiary. Old complexes of sedimentary cover of the platform, present in the basement of the Basin, reveal subdivision of this marginal zone into three segments. The segments represent westwards plunging marginal parts of three major structural units: Podlasie Depression, Mazury-Suwałki Elevation and Baltic Depression. The units are separated by zones of deep tectonic discontinuities: Chodzież-Włocławek-Warsaw and Chodzież-Bydgoszcz-Brodnica which, in tum, separate the Płońsk unit. The latter unit is characterized by local tectonics more intense than in the Baltic Depression and Grodzisk Mazowiecki unit, adjoining it in the north-west and south-east, respectively. Crystalline basement of the Mazury Elevation, plunging south-westwards in the Płock unit, is covered with sedimentary cover.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia