Tektoniczne założenia rynny jeziora Gopło


  • Ewa Piekarska


TECTONIC FOUNDATIONS OF THE GOPŁO LAKE FURROW Summary The analysis of geological columns of drillings made in the Gopło Lake region made it possible to trace morphology of top surface of Upper Cretaceous, Tertiary and Quaternary deposits in area of about 600 km2. The analysis showed the surfaces to be strikingly similar to one another, especially in arrangement of the greatest elevations and depressions. A deeply incised depression - buried valley running beneath and concordantly with the axis of the present-day Gopło Lake furrow is the major feature here. The origin of concave form in the top of Mesozoic deposits was determined by earlier geological history of this area: arrangement of Laramie structures in the basemen t and tectonics, whereas its reflection in Tertiary and younger deposits appears related to denudation and river erosion as well as action of icesheets and their meltwaters.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia