Metoda ilościowej interpretacji aluwialnych anomalii szlichowych na przykładzie złota


  • Jerzy Kanasiewicz


A METHOD OF QUANTITATIVE INTERPRETATION OF SCHLICH ALLUVIAL ANOMALIES ON THE EXAMPLE OF GOLD Summary The paper presents a quantitative method of estimating alluvial anomalies on the basis of schlich surveys. On the example of gold schlich anomalies from the Izera metamorphic area (Sudety Mts), there is presented a mode of estimating mean content of gold for a given anomaly on the basis of results of mineralogical analysis of schlichs and the cubature of alluvia within anomalous section of stream valley. The presented method makes it possible to gather data on relative size of alluvia, which may be used in estimating individual anomalies and designing further geological-prospecting works.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia