Systemy uskoków normalnych w rejonie Będzina, Czeladzi i Wojkowic Komornych oraz orientacja pól naprężeń tektonicznych powodujących powstanie tych uskoków


  • Antoni Goszcz


SYSTEMS OF NORMAL FAULTS IN THE BĘDZIN, CZELADŹ AND WOJKOWICE KOMORNE REGION AND ORIENTATION OF TECTONIC STRESS FIELDS RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR ORIGIN Summary Geological studies carried out in areas of the Jowisz, Grodziec, Czerwona Gwardia and Generał Zawadzki mines made it possible to compile a special tectonic map in the form of horizontal section through Carboniferous rock massif at the area level. Three independent systems of faults were traced in this map. A course of trajectories of major tectonic stresses from time of origin of these faults was delineated on the basis of the course of fractures corresponding to the faults. The paper ends with some conclusions important for the mining practice and preparation of geological deposit records.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia