Skażenie wód dołowych kopalni Pomorzany związkami lignosulfonowymi


  • Andrzej F. Adamczyk
  • Stefan Chawiński


POLLUTION OF WATERS IN THE POMORZANY MINE WITH LIGNOSULPHAMATE COMPOUNDS Summary Liquid waste from the FCiP factory at Klucze, disposed into sands of the Pustynia Błędowska desert in the last 50 years, began to pollute Quaternary waters in result of gravitational seeping. Natural flow of these waters resulted in spreading of the pollution from waste disposal site to the major stream draining this region, the Biała Przemsza River. In the neighbourhood of the stream, there is situated an erosional window in impermeable Keuper cover. Through that window, polluting matter began to seep into Triassic waters aquifer under conditions of disturbances related to water drainage in mines. Polluted waters appeared for the first time in the middle of 1976 and the next four years witnessed increase in both concentration and total charge of the pollution. The pollution is at present stabilized at the level of about 1600 g/min and the maximum concentration equais 24 - 26 mg/dm3. It results in a number of disadvantageous phenomene, the most important of which include: impossibility to use about 60% of water inflowing to the Pomorzany mine for drinking purposes, appearance of methane in the mine due to chemical and biochemical transformations of lignosulphamate compounds, and development of some varieties of fungi.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia