Łupki molibdenonośne w okolicach Myszkowa


  • Kazimierz Piekarski


MOLYBDENUM SCHISTS IN THE VICINITIES OF MYSZKÓW Summary The studies on Lower Paleozoic rocks in basement of the Mesozoic at north-eastern margin of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin, carried out in the last years by the Geological Institute, made it possible to gather data casting new light on mineralization in these rocks. In metamorphic Lower Paleozoic rocks in the vicinities of Myszków and Mrzygłód, there were found some types of ore mineralization differing in character and origin: pyrite-copper, molybdenum or molybdenum-copper, zinc-lead, copper of the copper-bearing porphyry type. A special attention should be paid to the molybdenum or molybdenum-copper mineralization which was found in both sedimentary rocks and intrusive porphyry and granitoid bodies. A detailed analysis of distribution of this mineralization, carried out by the present author, showed that it is mainly connected with black pelitic shales presumably belonging to the Wenlockian. The shales are overlain by Lower Ludlovian grey-green aleuritic shales with carbonate admixture, and underlain by Llandoverian grey siliceous shales with lydites. In these strata, no molybdenum mineralization was found despite of common and intense mineralization with pyrite with admixtures of copper, zinc and lead sulfides. Another recorded regularity is connected with molybdenum mineralization of intrusive bodies cutting molybdenum-bearing shales. Taking the above data into account, the author assumed that the processes of cumulation of molybdenum and accompanying copper were taking place in marine environment. Metamorphic alterations of rock and mineral matter were taking place along with folding. The inversion of Early Paleozoic orogen and formation of porphyry and granitoid intrusions were followed by hydrothermal alterations: K-feldspatization, sericitization, chloritization and carbonatization, leading to migration of ore minerals into igneous rocks.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia