Powierzchnia starszego paleozoiku regionu śląsko-krakowskiego


  • Stanisław Bukowy
  • Dominik Jura


OLDER PALEOZOIC SURFACE IN THE SILESIAN-CRACOW REGION Summary In the Silesian-Cracow region, it is possible to differentiate a uniform monoclinal cover of epicontinental and continental Mesozoic rocks. Paleozoic rocks occurring in its basement are markedly differing in structure which makes possible to distinguish three regions: Upper Silesian, Cracow-Lubliniec, and Jędrzejów. The Upper Silesian region comprises an area of the massif consolidated by Cadomian movements, covered with Cambrian and Upper Paleozoic including coal-bearing Upper Carboniferous molasse. In the Jędrzejów region, Lower Paleozoic has been folded together with Precambrian and subsequently covered with a thin series of Devonian and Lower Carboniferous rocks (14). The Caledonian consolidation is here regarded as incomplete. The Cracow-Lubliniec region displays most complex structure. Lower Paleozoic eugeosynclinal rocks have been folded here at the end of the Silurian to be subjected to reconstruction during the Variscan orogeny (5). Orogenic development of that region is evidenced by metamorphism of Lower Paleozoic rocks and occurrence of magmatites of the Pacific series (27) within them. With reference to the ideas of H. Stille (28), it is assumed that full consolidation takes place in geosynclinal area due to rebuilding of deep basement, shown by granitoid intrusions. The other thesis concerns welding of neighbouring massifs by an orogeny. This results in their common diastrophic-denudational development, closed along with origin of complete peneplanation surface. Post-Cadomian peneplain of the Upper Silurian massif is of erosional origin (exposure of mesomorphic and granitoid rocks) whereas Early Devonian one is due to erosional-sedimentary processes. The latter is preserved in the Jędrzejów region which is connected with formation of Caledonian Małopolska massif there. In the Cracow-Lubliniec region, peneplain did not originate before the Early Triassic. The peneplain, post-Variscan in age, truncates there anticlines of the Cracovides of the Cracow branch of the Variscides ( 4) down to metamorphic rocks and plutonites (Fig. 2). It comprised the whole region, leading to a relative isostatic equilibrium of the newly-consolidated orogen and older massifs and incorporating the latter to post-Variscan Central-European epiplatform.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia