Uwagi o metodzie selektywnej dezintegracji zastosowanej do analizy litologicznej skał okruchowych różnych środowisk i wieku


  • Andrzej Grodzicki


AN ATTEMPT TO INTRODUCE THE METHOD OFSELECTIVE DISINTEGRATION TO ANALYSIS OF LITHOLOGY OF DETRITAL ROCKS OF VARIOUS ENVIRONMENT AND AGE Summary The paper presents an attempt to introduce the method of selective disintegration to analysis of lithology of detrital rocks. The studies were aimed in two directions: at the analysis of some aspects of disintegration of multicomponent polimineral aggregates under natural conditions and the results of controlled selective disintegration, carried out with the use of new devices under laboratory conditions. For better characteristics of the studied material, the author introduced two coefficients: D for disintegration of mineral aggregates and degree of freeing mineral grains, and U - for degree of damage of grain in result of disintegration. The author proposes to include the results of studies on selective disintegration of rocks to the currently used indices of maturity of deposits as characterizing aggregates and grains. The new indices may be treated as describing a definite functional parameter of grain behavior in the course of dynamic geological processes.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia