Pozycja petrologiczna rodingitów z Jordanowa (Dolny Śląsk)


  • Wiesław Heflik


PETROGRAPHIC POSITION OF RODINGITES FROM JORDANÓW (LOWER SILESIA) Summary The studies on leucocratic metamorphism zone in the vicinities of Jordanów Śląski (about 15 km S of Wrocław) showed local enrichment of rocks in grossular. This suggested a possibility to find rodingite rocks in the vicinities of Mt. Sobótka. Further studies (10) evidenced the presence of such rocks. Typically developed rodingite has been found in north- -western part of a quarry at Jordanów. The paper presents the results of microscope studies on structure of Lower Silesian rodingite and some remarks on its origin.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia