Pozycja fauny w stosunku do kompleksów geofizycznych wydzielonych dla kred centralnej części rejonu Lubelskiego


  • Aleksandra Krassowska


ON DISTRIBUTION OF FAUNA IN RELATION TO GEOPHYSICAL COMPLEXES ESTABLISHED IN THE CRETACEOUS IN CENTRAL PART OF THE LUBLIN REGION Summary A model geophysical subdivision valid for the area stretching between Garwolin, Lublin and Zamość (A. Krassowska, 1981) was elaborated in order to make possible correlation of Cretaceous sequences from deep borehole columns in that area (Fig. 1). The Cretaceous section was divided into 5 geophysical complexes. The paper presents the results of analysis of these complexes with reference to fauna recorded in them (Table 1). The analysis made it possible to find regularities in distribution of fauna and, therefore, to draw biostratigraphic boundaries and to test their relation to those established on the basis of well logs. Biostratigraphic boundaries drawn on the basis of macro- and microfauna were also correlated. The correlation showed differences between the macro- and microfauna-based boundaries, especially those between the Coniacian and Santonian and Lower and Upper Maestrichtian (Table 1). The analysis showed the established geophysical complexes to be of marked chronostratigraphic value and useful for further regional and paleotectonic studies.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia