Rozwój litologiczno-facjalny wendu górnego na obszarze wschodniej Polski


  • Borys Areń


LITHOLOGICAL-FACIES DEVELOPMENT OF THE UPPER VENDIAN IN EASTERN POLAND Summary In eastern Poland, Upper Vendian rocks form upper part of the Valdai complex. They are bipartite there. Their lower part is represented by rocks highly varying in lithology (from arcosic conglomerates and sandstones to mudstones and claystones), reflecting changes from continental to marine facies. The variability makes it possible to differentiate three formations with equal stratigraphic ranges: Kruszyniany, Siemiatycze and Białopole Formations. Upper part of the Valdai complex (Lublin Formation) is overlain by rocks of the lowermost Cambrian. The passage to the Cambrian is found to be gradual, suggesting that there is no gap between the Vendian and Cambrian in southern Poland and adjoining parts of Byelorussia and Ukraine.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia