Korelacja stratygraficzna kambru syneklizy perybałtyckiej w Polsce


  • Kazimiera Lendzion


STRATIGRAPHIC CORRELATION OF THE CAMBRIAN IN THE PERIBALTIC SYNECLIZE I N POLAND Summary In Westem part of the Peribaltic Syneclize, the section of the oldest sedimentary rocks comprises a sequence from the Vendian to Upper Cambrian, inclusively, and in the eastern - it begins with rocks of the Holmia Zone (Lower Cambrian) to end with those of the Eccaparadoxides oelandicus Zone of the Middle Cambrian (Table). In area between these parts of the Syneclize, i.e. from Gdańsk to Dębowiec Warmiński, a transitional zone with a section somewhat closer to that of the western part, is recognized. In the initia1 stage of forn1ation of sedimentary cover (Vendian - Early Cambrian), sedimentation was limited to western part of the Syneclize as well as some areas in the transitiona1 zone where it was proceeding under continental conditions. Rocks of the Mobergella Zone (and, possibly, those of the Platysolenites Zone) in western part of the Syneclize, and those of the Holmia Zone in the eastern part, display a change to marine conditions typical of littoral zone which were predominating here till the end of the Cambrian. The Vendian and Cambrian sequences of the Peribaltic Syncclize are easily correlable with those of southern Scandinavia and their equivalents have been identified in those of the Baltic area in the USSR.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia