Makroskopowa typizacja profilów pokrywy lessowej Nowej Huty i okolic
MACROSCOPIC TYPES OF LOESS COVER SECTIONS IN THE NOWA HUTA AND SURROUNDING AREAS Summary Six types of lithological sections of loess cover were distinguished macroscopically on the basis of preliminary analysis of over 2,000 borehole columns in area of about 40 km2 NE of center of Cracow (Fig. 1). The differentiation of this loess cover hitherto underestimated, appears sufficiently high for subdividing the cover into several regions (Fig. 2). The studies showed that the established classification of lithological types of loess sequence facilitates subdivision of the studied area into regions and makes possible substantial reduction of further geological surveys connected with designing individual engineering structures. The surveys may be limited to some indispensable control tests only which should make them markedly less costly and laborious.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia