Studium mineralogiczne agatów z rejonu Nowego Kościoła (Góry Kaczawskie)


  • Ryszard Kryza


MINERALOGICAL STUDIES ON AGATES FROM THE NOWY KOŚCIÓŁ AREA (GÓRY KACZAWSKIE MTS) Summary The differentiation of macroscopic features of agates from the Nowy Kościół region is discussed and variability in colour, drawing and transparency is shown. The results of microscopic, X-ray, thermal and spectral analyses, carried out on isolated chalcedony hands, are discussed with reference to macroscopic features. Some macroscopic features were found to be determined by structure. and chemical composition of the agates. Transparency of chalcedony may largely depend on its microstructure, and colour of agates - mainly on admixtures of various elements, especially iron and copper.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia