Skały ilaste z kopalni Murcki


  • Lidia Chodyniecka
  • Anna Wilk


CLAY ROCKS FROM THE MURCKI MINE Summary Claystones occurring in the Orzesz and Ruda Beds in the Murcki mine, Upper Silesian Coal Basin, are varying in susceptibility to scouring. Three types of the claystones are differentiated with reference to structure, mineral composition and ordering of kaolinite structure. On the basis of structural and textural featural features, there were differentiated claystones with microgranular structure, those with felty structure, and those characterized by gel-like structure. Claystones with microgranular structure are characterized by coarse grains, well-ordered kaolinite structure and the presence of terrigenous quartz and they are not susceptible to scouring. Such features suggest allogenic nature of minerals forming these rocks. Claystones with felty structure and those with the gel-like one are markedly finer-grained, with less ordered kaolinite and authigenic quartz. It is therefore concluded that minerals forming these rocks are authigenic. The claystones are susceptible to scouring in the course of mining works.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia