Karpackie ropy naftowe w świetle badań n-alkanów i węglowodorów izoprenoidowych


  • Barbara Gondek
  • Zofia Pomykała


CARPATHIAN OILS IN THE LIGHT OF STUDIES ON N-ALKANY AND ISOPRENOID HYDROCARBONS Summary The analysis of saturated hydrocarbons in 45 samples of oils from accumulations and macrotraces in various lithostratigraphic horizons throughout the area of the Carpathian Flysch showed common origin of these oils. The studies failed to identify parent rocks of the oils but, nevertheless, it may be stated that they should be looked for among rocks forming the basement of the Carpathian Flysch. A high differentiation in chemical composition of Carpathian oils is most probably related to chemical changes proceeding in the deposits as well as to oil degradation by bacteria. The studies1 showed regional differentiation in composition of oils. The oils do not display any effects of secondary alterations in some areas and fairly high advancement of biodegradation processes in other areas, especially those of the Silesian and Subsilesian units.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia