Ruchy przesuwcze w południowej Polsce w paleozoiku


  • Wojciech Brochwicz-Lewiński
  • Władysław Pożaryski
  • Henryk Tomczyk


PALEOZOIC STRIKE-SLIP MOVEMENTS IN SOUTHERN POLAND Summary Basement of the Northern Carpathians and their direct foreland is formed of strata of the Upper Silesian and Małopolska Massifs. The massif s are bounded by deep crustal fracture systems (26,7) and markedly differ in pre-Permian history. Available radiometric (15,39) and geological data show that Cadomian movements affected both massif s and the stage of these movements is common for their history. Effects of subsequent, Early Caledonian movements are confined to the Małopolska Massif s and Cracow-Myszków zone, and of the Late Caledonian ones - to that zone, being unknown from the Upper Silesian Massifs. The key to explain these and other differences in history of the massifs has to be looked for in tectonic nature of zone of their contact, i.e. the Cracow-Myszków zone. (...)



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia