Generacja węglowodorów przedgórza Karpat na tle rozwoju tektoniki


  • Józef Kruczek
  • Adam Calikowski
  • Jadwiga Gumułka
  • Jerzy Karaskiewicz
  • Tadeusz Lenk
  • Mieczysław Solecki


GENERATION OF HYDROCARBONS IN THE CARPATHIAN FORELAND AT THE BACKGROUND OF TECTONIC EVOLUTION OF THAT AREA Summary Large-scale search for oil and gas in area of the Carpathian foreland (about 2.1 millions meters of drillings have been made till 1982) made it possible gathering rich material, the interpretation • and• explanation of which have been carried out, along with current evaluations of hydrocarbon potential of discovered deposits, by large teams of geologists of oil industry enterprises. The authors present results of geochemical, isotopic and other studies which made possible to obtain characteristics of gas, oil and dispersed organic matter from the Miocene in the Carpathian foreland.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia