Opracowanie strukturalno-facjalne i perspektywy gazonośności utworów mi ocen u autochtonicznego na obszarze przedgórza Karpat Zachodnich


  • Tadeusz Lenk


STRUCTURAL-FACIES ANALYSIS AND GAS POTENTIAL OF AUTOCHTONEOUS MIOCENE ROCKS IN THE FORELAND OF THE WESTERN CARPATHIANS Summary Foreland area of the western Carpathians (especially that in which Miocene rocks occur beneath Carpathian overthrusts, i.e. a belt from Cracow to Cieszyn) is relatively poorly explored from the point of view of both seismics and drillings. Up to the pressent, only a few small gas accumulations have been found in sandstone horizons of the Miocene, truncated by the Carpathian overthrusts. The paper deals with some structural-facies problems and gas potential of autochtoneous Miocene strata in this area.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia