Utwory miocenu między Krakowem a Dębicą


  • Eugeniusz Jawor


MIOCENE STRATA BETWEEN CRACOW AND DĘBICA Summary Central part of the Carpatian Foredeep is infilled with sediments of Lower and Upper Badenian and Lower Sarmatian. Surface of pre-Badenian bedrock, highly differentiated in this area, has been bearing marked influence on developments of sediments and spatial distribution of individual complexes, especially those of Badenian. Zones of depression in pre-Badenian bedrock are characterized by the maximum development of sandstones in the supra-evaporite section and there are noted fairly rapid changes in thickness, facies and physical properties of the sandstones in direction of neighbouring elevated zones. Lower Sarmatian is repressented by clay-mudstone- sandstone rocks. Geological structure of Miocene rocks appears not much complicated. Translocations of strata along dislocations have taken place after the Late Badenian or, possibly, in the Sarmatian. A zone of folded Miocene, varying in width, is traced along the margin of the Carpathians. Beneath the Carpathians, there are mainly developed Lower Badenian strata. These strata have been traced at the distance up to 30 km from northern margin of the Carpathians but the question of course of southern limit of their distribution still remains open. Miocene strata represent the major reservoir of high-methane gas. A regional zone of contact of either Flysch overthrust or folded Miocene and rocks of autochtoneous Miocene is the major trap here. Non-anticlinal traps, related to zones of wedging out or facies-lithological changes are of utmost importance, especially in areas north of the margin of the Carpathians. Deposit data show hydrocarbon potential of zones of crest slopes and depressed areas.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia