Budowa geologiczna miocenu autochtonicznego wschodniej części przedgórza Karpat


  • Bolesław Cisek


GEOLOGICAL STRUCTURE OF AUTOCHTONEOUS MIOCENE IN EASTERN PART OF THE CARPATHIAN FORELAND Summary The Carpathian foreland belongs to regions of Poland which are relatively well known from the geological point of view. This is due to most intense drilling works and accompanying geophysical surveys, carried out in this area. The studies have shown that the area is characterized by strongly uplifted Precambrian basement, directly covered by autochtoneous Miocene. The Miocene section begins with strata of the Baranów and Anhydrite Beds or, locally, younger ones: Badenian or even Lower Sarmatian. Recently gathered numerous geological-deposit data made it possible to carry out careful analysis of geological structure in some parts of the Carpathian foreland and discovery of several deposits, mainly gas accumulations. Geological structure of autochtoneous Miocene in eastern part of the foreland and influence of Alpine movements on it are discussed in this paper.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia