Migracja w domenie częstości z użyciem komputera EMR 61-35 i porównanie jej wyników z wynikami innych metod migracji
MIGRATION IN FREQUENCY DOMAIN ON COMPUTER EMR 61-35 AND ITS COMPARISON WITH OTHER METHODS OF MIGRATION ON THE BASIS OF THE AVAILABLE DATA Summary Idea of modern migration technique in reflection seismic is a technical novelty yet. Therefore, the essence of the idea together with some methods of its execution has been reminded here in short description, illustrated with some examples of geological models. In particular the methods used formerly and the one proposed by R.H. Stolt (11), done in frequency domain, and adapted by authors on computer EMR-61-35 at its configuration (without APU) exploited in The Enterprise of Geophysical Exploration in Warsaw, are presented. Examples of the migration by different methods used for a model and actual seismic sections, given in the paper, create the possibility of appreciation the new method in relation to the ones used formerly throw the obtained results.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia